Then, I learnt the art of ordering a sub...
Firstly, this was what I wanted to eat:
But I had to answer a truckload to questions to get there. And most coincidentally, I was served by this boy with a very strong accent and an impatient look permanently etched onto his face.
If you want customisation, you betta' answer those questions!
1) State what you want.
"Can I have a cheese steak please?"
Sorry, not enough.
2) State the size."I want a 6 inch cheese steak."
Sorry, not enough.
3) State the kind of bread you are into.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat."
Sorry, not enough.
4) State the kind of cheese you fancy.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat with cheddar cheese."
Sorry, not enough.
5) State whether you want it toasted.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat with cheddar cheese, toasted."
Sorry, not enough.
6) State the vegetables you desire.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat with cheddar cheese, toasted; with lettuce, tomato, olives, and onions."
Sorry, not enough.
7) State the dressing to dribble onto your sub.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat with cheddar cheese, toasted; with lettuce, tomato, olives, and onions; with honey mustard dressing."
Sorry, not enough.
8) State whether you want salt and pepper sprinkled.
"I want a 6 inch cheese steak on wheat with cheddar cheese, toasted; with lettuce, tomato, olives, and onions; with honey mustard dressing; no salt, no pepper."
Then you have your sub which costs more than a MacDonald's meal.
but thot here it's like a production line where we go (i) bread (ii) size (iii) stuffing (iv) extras (v) meal? urs sounds really tough!
hahaha you are damn funny! the best way is not to think, and answer robotically when asked!
woof!: Exactly! In Singapore we only tell them size, bread, dressing and filling! Zzzzz... If we don't want/want something we would say it right? No need to wait for them to ask!
ling: And I don't know why you wanted to work there! Your face will turn as sour as his, I'm sure, if you have to ask so many questions!
I always stumble when they asked those questions. First question is most difficult to answer. I always dunno what I want. I would go "ah...hmmm...ah...I want...". :)
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